Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Bulk Image Converter - A Free Windows Application for Converting Your Image Files

Bulk Image Converter is a free, easy-to-use application for converting image files from one format to another. You can convert entire directories (including sub-directories) at a time.

I originally wrote this program for my own use years ago, and later decided to publish it as an open-source application. It, and its source code, have been available for free since 2008.

Bulk Image Converter is a stand-alone application and does not contain any spyware, malware, adware, or anything else. And because it's open source, you're free to examine the source code or download it for your own use.

How To Use It
After downloading the program, start it up and select the directory where the image files you want to convert are located:

If you want to include images located in sub-directories, check the Include subdirectories checkbox.

Next, specify the type of file you want to convert, and the format you want to convert it to. For example, you might want to convert all JPEGs in the directory into PNGs.

Then, just click the Start button and your images will be converted. You'll see a progress indicator letting you know the progress of the conversion, and when it's completed you can find the new images located in the same location(s) as the originals. The program won't delete your originals unless you tell it to (which isn't recommended).

Where to Get It
For over a decade now, the program and its source code have been located at SourceForge. I've recently added it to GitHub which is where any new development and releases will be hosted. Both the application itself and the source code are available at both locations, though GitHub will be where any newer code and versions will be found.

It's Completely Free, But Donations Are Always Appreciated
There aren't any limits on using this application, and it's completely free. But if you found it useful and can spare a few bucks, I'm always happy for donations. Over the years, I've received donations, and reply with a quick "Thank you!" email to each one. Often people will write back and tell me how the program helped them with a project or some other need that they had. And that makes me feel good. If you're short on cash and can't donate, that's okay. But if you can, I'd appreciate it. You can use the button below to make a donation. Thanks!

Bulk Image Converter - A Free Windows Application for Converting Your Image Files

Bulk Image Converter is a free, easy-to-use application for converting image files from one format to another. You can convert entire direct...